Sunday, November 21, 2010

Everyday is Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an opportunity for family and friends to gather to enjoy each other, share a yummy feast, and express gratitude for the many blessings we enjoy on a daily basis.  Heart felt gratitude is a very powerful emotion with a high vibration.  Oprah Winfrey says that keeping a gratitude journal changed her life.  And no one could argue that Oprah is living the good life.  Michael Losier, author of Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What you Want and Less of What you Don’t,  writes, “If you want to start attracting positive things into your life, there is one small thing you should do every day—show your gratitude, appreciation and love for the people and things around you.”  By acknowledging what you are grateful for in your journal, Michael says you'll become a deliberate attractor of positive vibrations.

I keep a gratitude journal with a different spin.  Most mornings, I start the day by giving thanks for the day as I desire it to unfold.  I express gratitude for being especially effective and inspired by my work, for receiving large checks in the mail, for enjoying great health and being motivated to work-out, for the joy of learning, for the grace to accept every circumstance as a learning opportunity, for humor, for good food, for peace and joy in my heart, ect.  I end my morning page with the words, “This or something better.”  This simple practice has reaped more abundance, satisfaction, and serenity than I could have ever anticipated.  If you want to practice this simple, life-affirming technique, visit my website.

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