We all know that men and women see many things very differently. This holiday season will be a learning experience for many men who make the major mistake of selecting the wrong gift for their special woman. A blunder of this nature can take on gargantuan proportions.
The first Christmas my husband and I were together, he gave me a blender. He even used a 20% off coupon I gave him for a department store. Because this was our first Christmas together, I had knocked myself out decorating, cooking, shopping, gift-wrapping, and making other holiday preparations for his three sons and my four daughters. I wanted everything to be perfect.
The first Christmas my husband and I were together, he gave me a blender. He even used a 20% off coupon I gave him for a department store. Because this was our first Christmas together, I had knocked myself out decorating, cooking, shopping, gift-wrapping, and making other holiday preparations for his three sons and my four daughters. I wanted everything to be perfect.
Everyone was having a wonderful time Christmas morning tearing into their gifts. I kept wondering what was under the tree for me. When I finally unwrapped the blender, an ungodly rage erupted inside of me. I wanted rip his arms off and pummel his stupid head with them. Although, I resisted the urge toward violence, believe me he paid dearly for his indiscretion in equally painful consequences.
Now I leave nothing to chance. Well in advance of an occasion, I remind him that the event is coming up and I tell him exactly what I want and where to buy it. He is wise enough to follow my directions, including having it beautifully wrapped. It is a win-win victory. If you want to preserve a happy marriage or a joyful relationship, guys don’t buy the wrong gift. If your relationship is in a free fall, maybe I can help. Email me at susanboyes@susanboyes.com or visit my website.
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